Personal Data Protection Policy

The company “AKIS PETRETZIKIS LTD” is responsible for processing the website

This privacy notice explains what information we collect from you when you visit our website or contact us. It is multi-layered so you can easily find why we process your personal information and what we do with it. Therefore, we encourage you to read this Privacy Notice carefully. For information regarding the processing of personal data of customers, business partners, partners, suppliers, etc. the agreed terms apply, as stated in our contracts.

  1. Processing Manager– Contact Details
  2. Where do wo store the information you have provided
  3. Who has access to your data
  4. Information we collect

      A. Browsing the Website 

       B. Processing data for advertisement purposes

       C. Social media

       D. Links to other websites

       Ε. Push Notifications

       F. Contact us – Customer service

       G. Submission of an application – CV for a job position

  1. Your rights
  2. When do we respond to requests concerning personal data
  3. Where can you appeal
  4. How to remain updated for any modifications made to this Privacy Policy

  1. Processing Manager – Contact Details

Our company “AKIS PETRETZIKIS LTD” GEMI (General Commercial Registry) 128447403000, based in Agia Paraskevi of Attica, 2 Tassopoulou street, and 16 Elvetias street, legally represented, is the processing manager of the personal information of the visitors/users of the website.

For general information, you can contact us by sending an email to, or call us on 216 9001112, or send a mail to the address above. You can also contact us via social media: Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram.

  1. Where do wo store the information you have provided

The data we collect from you is stored on servers within the European Economic Area.

  1. Who has access to your data

Only those responsible for each individual department of our company have access to your personal data on a case-by-case basis. Your personal data will be used exclusively for the purpose stated at each time and the information will not be disclosed or sold to third parties for other, unrelated purposes.

For some processes, we cooperate with third parties, to whom we transfer some of your data or who themselves have access to your data through our website. This is done only to provide you with our services. You will find who has access to your personal data on a case-by-case basis and for certain processes, as detailed below.

Finally, your data may be shared with processors with whom our Company works to support its systems. In particular, access to your personal data may be granted to the competent staff of the company “TENFOUR COMMUNICATION AGENCY LTD” with the distinctive title “TENFOUR AGENCY M.E.P.E.”, to the extent required for the provision of technical support services of the system.

The executors may not further process your personal data, unless we have expressly instructed them to do so, nor pass your personal data on to third parties.

  1. Information we collect from you

At our company, we learn about you through information you provide to us. It is very important for us to know your interests and concerns as it allows us to create and deliver the best services for you.

There are several ways you can share data with us:

In most cases, you provide us with data by contacting us directly through our website.


 In other cases, we collect the information ourselves (for example, when we use cookies to facilitate your navigation and understand how you use our website).

Below you can find the activities that include the processing of your data in detail, along with their purposes and their description.

Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that the data you provide to us is true and accurate. Otherwise, the user will be responsible for the inaccuracy or untruthfulness of said data, as well as for the damages that may be caused. Our company reserves the right to cancel relations with said user for the above reasons.

Α. Browsing our Website

When entering our website, the following are automatically sent from the terminal browser you are using to the forwarder of our website and without your own action:

  • the IP address of the internet-enabled device that submitted the request to access our website,
  • the date and time of access,
  • the name and URL of the requested file,
  • the website from which the access was made (referrer-URL),
  • the browser you use, the operating system of your internet-enabled computer, as well as the name of the access provider, and
  • if you have consented to the so-called geolocation of your browser or your operating system or other settings of your terminal, these functions are also recorded.

All of the above is temporarily stored in a log file.

Purpose and Lawful Basis for Processing

The purpose of all of the above is to guarantee a correct connection, to guarantee comfortable use of our website and to evaluate the security and stability of the system.

The lawful basis for processing is Article 6 par.1 section F of GDPR, which allows us to process data, when this is necessary for the purposes of our legal interests.

For how long do we store the information you provide

Data are stored temporarily for the duration of the session and then they are automatically deleted. When you stop using our website, geolocational information is deleted.

Β. Data processing for advertising purposes

Google Αnalytics

When you visit the website, we use a third-party service, Google Analytics, to collect log files and details about your browsing on our page.

The data sent are:

• the IP address of the internet-enabled device that made the request,

• the date and time of access,

• the name and URL of the requested file,

• the website/application from which the access was made (referrer-URL),

• the browser you use, the operating system of your computer that has access to the internet, as well as the name of the access provider to the forwarder of our website and are stored in a log file.

• the operating system of your mobile device, if you visit the website via a mobile device

• the type of mobile device and its settings

• the serial numbers corresponding to your device and its parts

• the redirecting website (the website that brought you to ours)

• actions related to the way you use our website, such as the sections you visit on it

Our Website may collect information about the precise location of your mobile device using geolocation and technologies such as GPS (global positioning system), Wi-Fi (wireless local area network), Bluetooth, or cell tower proximity. The majority of mobile devices and browsers provide you with the possibility to revoke the permission you have granted us to collect such information, using the settings of your device or browser. If you have questions about how you can prevent the collection of information about your precise location, we recommend that you contact your mobile device support provider, your device manufacturer, or your software or browser provider. All the above information is processed in a way that cannot be identified (it is anonymized).

The data is stored for a period of 48 months for marketing and statistical purposes and is then automatically deleted. Once you stop using our website, the geolocation data is deleted.


You can read more about which cookies we use here.

You can prevent the installation of cookies that record the above information regarding navigation on our website through the corresponding setting of your browser program. However, in this case it may not be possible to use all the functions of our website.

You can also prevent the analysis of data generated by cookies and related to the use of this website (including the IP address) as well as the processing of said data by Google by following the appropriate link depending on the browser you are using: Chrome, Chrome Android, Chrome iOS, Safari, Safari iOS, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera.

An opt out cookie is thus created, which prevents the future analysis of your data when visiting this website. The opt out cookie is only valid in this browser and only for our website and is only stored on your device. If you delete cookies from this browser, you must save the Opt out cookie again. More information about data protection in relation to Google Analytics can be found on Google’s page here:

Purpose and lawful basis for processing

The purpose of collecting your personal data is to analyze usage behavior in the context of our online presence, as well as in the newsletters we send you. The evaluation of usage behavior includes in particular the areas of the website you visit and the links you activate there.

Lawful basis for processing is our legitimate interest based on Article 6 par.1 section F of GDPR. The processing of the data of existing customers for advertising purposes of our company is perceived as a legitimate interest of our company.

Information we collect 

Each time you visit our website, your web address and the last time you logged in are automatically sent to us.

Why do we need this information 

With the information we collect, we create personalized user profiles classified by person and/or e-mail address, so that our company’s advertising offer in the form of advertising messages on the website can be better adapted to your personal interests and our online offers can be improved.

Right to object

You have the right to object to data processing for the purposes mentioned at any time and at no cost and valid for the future, contacting us at

How long we store the information. 

Your data is deleted if you withdraw your consent to individual advertising media or object to certain advertising media.

C. Social media 

Our company has its own social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). 

Remember that any content sent to our website through social media to our company pages can be viewed publicly, so you should be careful when providing certain personal data.

On their websites, the relevant social media provide detailed information about the scope, nature, purpose, and processing of your data.

D. Links to other websites

On our website, you may find links to and from the websites of our partners, advertisers, and other third parties, which are not covered by this privacy notice. We encourage you to first read the privacy policy of personal data on the websites you visit, before entering any personal data on them.

Ε. Push Notifications

Depending on the electronic device with which you navigate our website, you may receive notifications about our offers and our news.

To disable notifications, depending on the platform and/or browser you are using, follow the instructions below.

− Desktop: Right-click on the notification > disable notifications from

− Mobile: Go to Notification Center > Site Settings > Notifications > Disable notifications from

− Common browsers:

• Chrome: Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Privacy – Content Settings > Notifications – Exception Management > type and select “Block”

• Firefox: Options > Content > Notifications – Select > – “Remove page”

• Safari: Preferences > Notifications > Select “Deny”

F. Contact us – Customer Service

Purpose and lawful basis for processing

Whenever you contact us with general questions about our company or our products and services, we keep the information you give us in order to respond to your requests.

The lawful basis for processing is Article 6 par.1 section F of GDPR, i.e. the legitimate interest of our company.

What information do we need

We store information about you so that we can contact you, specifically your name, phone number, and email, as well as the content of the letters or emails you have sent us.

Why we need this information

We use your personal information to respond to and to keep a record of our communication with you.

Who has access to your data?

Only the competent people of our company have access to your data to communicate with you.

How long do we store the information you provide

The information concerning you is deleted six months after your last communication with us, unless other reasons (e.g. for the conclusion of a contract between us for the provision of our services or for our protection in the event of a lawsuit) require us to keep it for longer.

G. Submission of an application – CV for a job position

Purpose and lawful basis for processing

The purpose of processing the information we collect is your suitability for the advertised position.

The lawful basis for the processing of your personal data is article 6 par. 1 b. of the GDPR, which concerns the processing required for the execution of a contract or for actions required following your request and prior to the conclusion of a contract. The lawful basis for the processing of any information you provide us with your application, which belongs to special categories of data, such as health data, is Article 9 para. 2 b of the GDPR, which also relates to our obligations based on the labor legislation and with the guarantee of your fundamental rights and article 9 par. 2 h for the assessment of the employee’s ability to work.

Why we need this information

We will use the information you provide to us in order to consider your job application. We will not share the information you give us with third parties for commercial purposes.

We will use your contact details to contact you and other information to assess your suitability for the job position.

We don’t ask for more information than we need and we don’t keep it for longer than necessary.

The information we ask for each time is about your suitability for the particular job position.

  • Application process

During this process we need your personal information, such as your name and contact details. In addition, we need previous experience and studies on a case-by-case basis.

It is not mandatory that you provide all the information we ask for, but failure to do so may affect the progress of your application as it is assessed on the basis of the information and evidence provided.

  • Selection process

The recruiters will review your applications and call you for an interview to select the right person for the position. At no stage in the selection process will applicants be assessed on the basis of any public social media profiles.

  • Job offer – acceptance

If you accept the job offer, we will ask you for additional information in order to hire you.

This information will basically be all that is needed to complete your details in the ERGANI system of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, i.e. first and last name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, social security number, VAT number, D.O.Y., AMKA, Insurance Registration Number, Home address, email, marital status, bank account number, salary amount. In addition, and depending on the position, we will ask you to show us your identity card or passport, certificates of studies and foreign languages.

How long do we store the information you provide

Applications, resumes, and information sent to us that are rejected immediately will be deleted – destroyed within one month of filling the position.

Applications, resumes and information sent to us for evaluation will be deleted – destroyed within six months of the position being filled.

In the case of hiring the employee, all information concerning him, including the payment of wages and the reasons for the termination of his contract, will be deleted after the lapse of twenty (20) years from the end of the employment relationship.

Evidence related to maternity and sick leave will be deleted after five (5) years from the end of the year in which they were received.

Who are the recipients of the data

Your information, which is necessary for the submission of tax and insurance information, as well as for making your payments, is sent to the accounting office cooperating with us “Unitax E.E.” and possibly with our legal department.

In addition, we cooperate with Eurobank and Piraeus banks in order to carry out the payment of your wages.


  1. Your rights

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal data and ensuring that you can exercise your rights. You can exercise your rights free of charge by sending us an email to, simply telling us the reason for your request and the right you want to exercise.

In the event that we deem it necessary to confirm your identity, we may request a copy of a document that proves your identity.

In particular, regardless of the purpose or lawful basis on which we process your data, you have the following rights:

  • You have a right to information. This means that you have the right to be informed in a clear, transparent and understandable way about how we use your personal data and about your rights.
  • You have the right to access your personal data. This means that you have the right to be informed by us if we are processing your data. If we process your data, you can ask to be informed about the purpose of the processing, the type of your data we keep, to whom we give it, how long we store it, whether automated decision-making takes place, but also about your other rights, such as the right to correct or delete data, restrict the processing and file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority.
  • You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data. If you find that there is an error in your data you can submit a request to us to correct it (e.g. correct a name or update a change of address). By actively providing your personal data to us in any way, you warrant that it is true and accurate and agree to notify us of any change or modification to it. The sole responsibility for any losses or damages caused to our website or to the person responsible for the website or to any third party, due to filling in incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete information in the registration forms, is borne by the user. Please remember that, as a general rule, you should only provide your own personal data, and not the data of third parties, except to the extent permitted under this Privacy Notice.
  • You have a right to erasure/right to be forgotten. You can ask us to delete your data if it is no longer necessary for the aforementioned processing purposes.

However, you may not be able to exercise this right if:

  • There is a pending dispute or lawsuit with our company.
  • If you have contracted with us for the purchase of our services/products, we are obliged to keep the tax data for twelve (12) years.
  • You have the right to transfer your data. You can ask us to receive the data you have provided in human-readable form or ask us to pass it on to another processing manager.
  • You have the right to restrict processing. You can ask us to restrict the processing of your data for as long as the consideration of your objections to the processing is pending.
  • You have the right to object to the processing of your data. You can object to the processing of your data or withdraw your consent and we will stop processing your data, unless there are other compelling and lawful reasons that override your right.

In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of your data for advertising purposes. You can withdraw your consent at any time:

  • disabling cookies by changing your browser settings. For more information, you can visit our Cookies Policy here…..
  • You have the right to non-automated individual decision-making, including profiling: You have the right to object when a decision concerning you is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and that decision produces legal effects or significantly affects you.
  1. When do we respond to requests concerning personal data?

We respond to your requests free of charge, without delay, and in any case within (1) one month of receiving your request. However, if your request is complex or there is a large number of your requests, we will inform you within the month if we need to obtain an extension of another (2) two months, within which we will respond to you.

If your requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive in particular due to their repetitive nature, our Company may impose a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or carrying out the requested action, or refuse to proceed with the request.

  1. Right of complaint to the supervisory Authority

You have the right to file a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates the applicable national and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data. The competent supervisory authority in Greece is the Personal Data Protection Authority (postal address: Kifissias 1-3, Athens /, tel. 2106475600).

  1. How will you remain updated for any modifications made to this Privacy Policy?

We will update this Privacy Policy whenever deemed necessary. If there are significant changes to our Privacy Policy or the way we use your personal data, we will post them prominently on our website. We encourage you to frequently read this Privacy Policy to be aware of how your data is protected.

If you wish to contact us for any issue related to the processing of your Data and the exercise of your rights, you can contact us at 216-9001112 or at the email address